Science In The Soil
Our Grant Program In Action
Our goal is for the students of the City of Newark to transition from a predominantly urban society to an increasingly more agrarian one. Our youth have become detached from the fundamental understanding of agriculture. Nonetheless, we benefit from the innovations and efficiencies of our food supply daily. Science in the Soil (SITS) Program promotes agricultural literacy amongst the students of the City of Newark. SITS provides resources that incorporate other subjects, such as mathematics, history, science, civics, and chemistry, into learning experiences that corresponds to academic standards. Agricultural literacy is fundamental to the development of the next generation of scientists, teachers, and policymakers to ensure a sufficient food supply for the City of Newark’s inhabitants.
What is agricultural literacy?
From on-farm events to reading books, career exploration and teaching classroom lessons, SITS programming is working toward an agriculturally literate society. That is, a society that understands and can communicate the source and value of agriculture as it affects our quality of life.
According to the National Agriculture Statistic Service, the County of Essex, in which the City of Newark resides, thereis a significantly low amount of Newark residents in the industry. The disproportion between white producers and black/hispanic/american indian producers is grossly large. While there are 22 white farm owners/producers in theCounty of Essex, there are only 2 black producers, 1 hispanic producer, and 0 american indian producers respectively. In addition, there is only one young producer under the age of 35. Two of the significant reasons why there is low interest of students in the agriculture industry is due to lack of financing and lack of qualified black/hispanic/american indian male teachers in the industry. With your financial support and our qualified male instructors, we can achieve the goals set forth. Our efforts to close the gap and support the next generation in entering the agriculture industry is in line with the City of Newark’s Office of Affirmative Action (OAA) and its policies. Within OAA, the focus is to support minority owned and women businesses. As the City of Newark prioritize these groups in the workforce, we too enable assistance amongst theyouth said categories. We plan to give higher priority to less fortunate families who cannot afford to pay for agricultural education. The effects of our 1-3 months Science in the Soil (SITS) Program will greatly influence students and have apositive impact on the community as a result of successful implementation.
Science in the Soil (SITS) Program in the City of Newark offers garden spaces and lead in demonstrations with growing trays. The groups meet in person and online to continue discussing the plant growth at school and home with their garden starter kits. Its goal is to help students gain greater awareness of the role of agriculture in the economy and society, so that they may become citizens who support wise agricultural policies. SITS raises agricultural literacy by helping students understand the farm sources of their food, fabric and flowers.
“The SITS Program provides students and school families with a gardening experience that otherwise would not have been possible. During this uncertain time, when we have witnessed food and agriculture production concerns, I am proud of our work to provide vegetable plants to students and families this year.”
~Science in the Soil (SITS) Program Director Desmond Jones-Bey
Projects included:
Garden development,
Animal agriculture,
Health and Nutrition,
STREAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture and Math),
Leadership Development.